Moriarty – 87035

Moriarty, a city in Torrance County, New Mexico, is part of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Statistical Area. The zip code for Moriarty is 87035.  If you are a woman living or working in Moriarty wishing to network with other Albuquerque area women in business or are an ABQWIB member willing to organize meetups in the 87035 zip code, please add your comments to this page.

As of the 2000 Census, there were 1,765 people, 668 households, and 478 families residing in the city. As of the 2007 Census, however, the population had decreased with an estimated zip code population in 2007 of 6,781. For more detailed demographics and community tapestry information see the ESRI 2008 Market Segment Summary.